Fall Is The Perfect Season...

For Family Rafting Near Gatlinburg, TN
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As summer begins winding down and the heat begins to mellow out in the Gatlinburg region, so do the rapids of the Pigeon River. The transition to fall, known as the natural flow season, brings with it a mellower experience for rafters, one that is great for family fun. There are no massive rapids, fewer crowds, the air is cool and crisp; these are just a few of the reasons why rafting near Gatlinburg in autumn is perfect for the whole family.

It’s Gorgeous

When the river is at natural flow, you get the opportunity to take in the beauty and majesty of the mountain landscape. During the summer season rafting is usually much more intense which keeps rafter’s focus on the rapids. When visiting in autumn, the whole family gets to relax and experience the nature of the Great Smoky Mountains.

It’s Much Less Crowded

No matter how you slice it, crowds during the summer can be a pain. It’s hard not to feel like sheep being herded from place to place. The long lines, the noise, the confusion — crowds can at times just be too much. There’s just something about experiencing the Gatlinburg, TN, area in fall and feeling the calmness that comes without the crowds.

The Weather Is Great

Summers in the South are HOT! For some, the heat and the sun can get to you after several hours outside. Not in the fall. During the natural flow season on the Pigeon River, the air feels wonderful, making it the perfect time for rafting near Gatlinburg for the entire family.

It’s Mellower

Although it is possible to experience class 3 & 4 rapids in the natural flow fall season, your trip overall will be less intense than in the summer months. The whole family gets to gaze upon the magnificence of the autumn season of the mountains. Few spectacles are as amazing as the beauty of the colors of the changing leaves. It’s a way of experiencing the Pigeon River in a whole new light.

If you’re ready to take your family on a perfect fall season rafting adventure, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the friendly staff at Rafting Tennessee today at 800.449.7238 or in**@ra**************.com